Page 17 - World Explorer 6 książka nauczyciela
P. 17

Grammar They were sitting on benches near the fountain.
Vocabulary Past continuous There were some pigeons there too. The pigeons
were hopping around on the grass looking for food
: cycle path Czasu past continuous XĪ\ZDP\ DE\ PyZLü
bus/tram stop crossing motorist street sign R W\P FR G]LDáR VLĊ Z RNUHĞORQ\P PRPHQFLH OXE so I gave them some biscuits. I then threw the empty
traf c jam traf c lights SU]H] GáXĪV]ą FKZLOĊ Z SU]HV]áRĞFL RUD] DE\ RSLVDü
WáR Z\GDU]HĔ packet in the rubbish bin. When I looked up I saw
: bench fountain grass your grandma. She was looking at me and smiling.
pedestrian pigeon rubbish bin street light , +H 6KH ,W was
4 28 Label the groups of words with the Exercise 7
correct headings. Then listen and repeat. , +H 6KH ,W sleeping
Pavements and parks Traf c and roads Ask the class to look at the grammar box. Explain that
5 Label the pictures. Was , KH VKH LW we use the past continuous to talk about something that
\RX ZH WKH\ was happening for some time or at a certain moment in
1 2
the past, and to describe the background of events. Go
\RX ZH WKH\ were
box together.
\RX ZH WKH\ Ask the students to tell you the spelling changes we
3 4
Grammar Guide, WB, p. 97 make to the -ing form. Remind them they are the same
as the present continuous and invite them to raise their
7 Underline all past continuous forms in the hand to tell you the rules.
text on p. 36 and then complete the gaps
in the grammar box. Ask the students to look back at the text on page 36
5 6
8 Complete the sentences with the past to f nd and underline examples of the past continuous
continuous of the verbs in brackets. (was walking, wasnt walking, was shining, was sitting,
1 1 I saw you in the street this morning. was looking, were cycling, were stopping, were getting
I (ride) my bike and you
d (wait) at the traf c lights. on and of , were talking, was carrying, was running, was
7 8 2 At 3 oclock yesterday afternoon, it sitting, was shaking, was looking at). Write them on the
(rain) so the children
(not play) football in the park. board as the students tell you them and explain that the
e (feed) f rst one, was walking, is an example of using the past
3 At 2 oclock the twins
the pigeons and their aunt continuous to talk about something that happened or
the pigeo
(sunbathe) on the grass.
s ha
s ha
4 A:
4 A: (you / cycle) on was happening at a particular time in the past. The sun
was shinin
was shinin
a cycle path?
Listen a cycle path? was shining is an example of setting the scene, and were
emo cycling, were stopping, were getting on, were talking are
B: No, I I
. .
cycling, we
cycling, were
6 29 Listen and circle the correct words. as 7 oclock. There F
examples of two or more things that were happening at
because the traf c lights examples of tw
use the traf c lig
). The motorists
Johns grandad was walking around the town on (not work). The motorists the same time in same tim
the same time in the past.
(get) angry. y
a Saturday evening. The street lights were on / off and 3 At 2 emonst
To stress the fact thastress the f
there were many pedestrians / pigeons walking up and 6 A: (the dog / sit) the d To stress the fact that the past continuous is used to
down the street and sitting in the square. They were on a bench? on describe activities in progress at a certain point in
scribe activities in pcribe activities
sitting on benches / the grass near the fountain / trees. B: Yes, it . .
give an exampleive an examp
There were some pedestrians / pigeons there too. (pla time, give an example using the present continuous.
(play) in the y) in the
5 It was 7 oclock. There was a horrible traf c jam For
Johns grandad gave them some biscuits. He threw the Write the following on the board: Its ten oclock now
e followingfollo
empty packet in the rubbish bin / on the pavement. (watch) them. an ching
and Im teaching English. Say: We had a lesson together
37 yesterday at ten oclock, so I was teaching English at ten
oclock yesterday.
oclock y
7 Lots of children nst
Then invite the students to complete the gaps in the
Then invite hen
o T
grammar box.ramma
Exercise 5 grammar box. Ask for volunteers to give their answers to
the class
the class.
Ask the students to look at the pictures and explain they have to tures and explain they haved explain they have
vocabulary in the Word Banbulary in the Word
match the pictures with some of the vocabulary in the Word Bank. Answersnswers
ally and then compare theid then compar
Ask them to complete the task individually and then compare their were, wasnt, Were, was, wasnt, werent
re, wasnt, Were, w
o supply an answer.ply an answer
answers with a friend. Ask for volunteers to supply an answer. the class. ratio
Answers Exercise 8 e 8 8 See Extra Activity 1, p. 130
5 bench
1 cycle path 2 street sign 3 traffi c jam 4 bus stop 5 bench Tell the students they are going to complete each nts they are going to cts they are goin
6 traffi c lights 7 crossing 8 pedestrian sentence with the correct past continuous form of the
e correct past continuorrect past
verbs in brackets. Remind the students to pay attention
emind the students to
emind the stud
r the the -ing-ing forms whe forms
Exercise 6 See Workbook, Ex. 4, p. 26 to the spelling rules for the -ing forms when completing
to complete theo complete
the sentences. Ask them to complete the task individually
Explain to the students that they are going to read the paragraph. and then compare their answers with a friend. Check
fountain and their parents nstration
swers with awers with
Encourage them to circle one of the words in each part as they the answers as a class by writing them on the board as
ng thet
are reading the text. When they f nish ask them to compare their the students say them, to ensure they have spelt them
answers with a friend. Play the CD and explain it will be slightly correctly. Ask the students to raise their hand to tell you
diff erent from the text in the Student s Book but it will give them an answer.
the right answers. Tell them to listen again and check their answers
or complete any that are missing. Elicit the answers by asking for Answers
volunteers to provide an answer. 1 was riding, were waiting 2 was raining, werent playing
3 were feeding, was sunbathing 4 Were you cycling,
29 Audioscript and answers wasnt 5 werent working, were getting 6 Was the dog
sitting, was 7 were playing, were watching
Boy: What are you smiling at, Grandad?
Grandad: Oh, I was thinking about the day when I met your grandma.
Boy: Really, when was it?
Grandad: It was many years ago, but I remember it very well. I was Ask the students to complete Exercises 3, 5, 6, 7 and 8
walking around the town on a Saturday evening. The street lights on pages 26 and 27 in their Workbook. If time allows
were on. The weather was warm and nice so there were many Exercise 9 can be done in class.
pedestrians walking up and down the street and sitting in the square.
Unit 3 About town 49
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