Page 13 - World Explorer 6 książka nauczyciela
P. 13

Project Explore Workbook, p. 82 Exercise 3

Ask the class to complete Exercise 3 individually.
Explain they have to work out what the word is that is
Which emoticons do you like best?
Do you use text abbreviations? What do these ones mean? represented in Braille. When f nished, invite a student to
tell the class their answer. Ask for class agreement before
English and
conf rming it is correct. Then invite the students to work
social sciences
with a friend to make their own word by drawing the
CU later
Braille boxes in their notebook and then swapping with
another pair to discover what their word is.
How RU?
I will do it
ASAP Answers
UR my BFF button
That s funny.
Explore Workbook, p. 82 Exercise 4

Explain to the class that in Exercise 4 they have to f ll in
the correct dots to spell the word printer. They should
look back at Exercise 1 to help them. Ask them to
Create your own emoticons and/or text abbreviations.
complete the task individually and then compare what
they have completed with a friend. Invite one student at
a time to come to the board and draw a Braille letter. Ask
thin card
for class agreement before conf rming a letter is correct.
Draw your emoticons and/or write your abbreviations aw y
1 1 Dr
neatly onto pieces of thin card. Explore Workbook, p. 82 Exercise 5

2 2 Display your work on the wall.D
Ask the students to work in pairs to complete Exercise
3 Ask your classmates to say what your emoticons Ask your c
and abbrev 5. Distribute a piece of paper to each student and ask
and abbreviations mean.
them to write a short word on it. They should choose one
from the unit. They should use a pencil on the back of the
age to o
page to make raised dots on the front. They should then
age t
swap piece
12 Read and listen. Answer the questions. swap piec
swap pieces of paper to read each other s word in Braille.
If time allows,f time F
1 What do blind people use to understand F
If time allows, repeat with more words.
what they can t see?
2 What is braille? Pr
Project: Texting oject:roject Tex
3 Who created braille and when? emonst
4 What can a blind person use to write For
a text on a computer?
5 What can a printer do for a blind person? Materialsterialsterials
thin card pensard d pens pens
Explore Workbook, p. 82
Explore Workbook, p. 18
21 Me
Ask the class to look back at the emoticons on page 12
Ask thesk
of t
of their St
of their Student s Book. First ask them to tell you what
each one meach o
each one means. Write each meaning on the board and
then invite them to think about which one they like best.
then in
Answers then invite themvi
Tell them they can only vote for one of the emoticons
Tell them they canell them the
ouch and the sense o
1 They use other senses, the the sense of touch and the sense of
and as y
and as you say each one ask them to raise their hand to
m for the blind.
hearing. 2 It is a reading and writing system for the blind. and as you say each oou say
ote. Count the raised he. Count the raise
1829 4 He/Sh
3 A Frenchman called Louis Braille created it in 1829. 4 He/She can vote. Count the raised hands for each one and write the
ber nex
ber next to the word ot to the word
ext in braille.
use a speech recognition system. 5 It can print a text in braille. number next to the word on the board so that they can
ich is the most populach is the most pop
see which is the most popular.
Explor Then ask the students to look at the text abbreviations
he students to look ate students t
Exploree Workbook, p. 82 Exercise 1e 11
f they k
and tell you if they know any of the meanings. Write
f they know any of thenow any
n the boar
Ask the students to turn to page 82 in their Workbooks. Explain that ks. Exp their answers on the board and ensure that everyone has
ectly in their Student s tly in their Stud
they are going to complete the missing letters in Exercise 1 at home. them written correctly in their Student s Book.
Remind them the grey dots symbolise raised dots on a page of text. n the board and ensurd an on
They should look at each one carefully. Answers
In the next lesson, invite the students to work with a friend and See you later. / I will do it as soon as possible. / as soon as
t lou
take turns writing a short word from the unit and writing how That s funny. Im laughing out loud. / How are you? /
they would spell it in Braille. Monitor and help as necessary. If You are my best friend forever.
time allows, put each pair with another pair to try and spell each Ask the class to think about any other emoticons
other s words.
or abbreviations they know. While they are doing
so, distribute the thin card and the pens to the
students. Explain to them they have to write any other
a, e, i, o, u
abbreviations, or draw any other emoticons they know
Explor neatly on the card. Ask them to keep the meaning
Exploree Workbook, p. 82 Exercise 2
of what they are writing or drawing a secret for now.
Monitor and help if necessary.
Draw the students' attention to the words in the yellow box in
Exercise 2 and in the Braille boxes below. Explain that they have to When they have f nished, pin their work up around the
match the word to the correct Braille spelling. When f nished, invite classroom and allow the students to look at each other s
students to compare their answers with a friend and discuss and work. Encourage them to guess what the new emoticons
change any diff erences they have. or abbreviations mean.
Unit 1 Keep in touch 33
1 menu 2 lift 3 read 4 feel
© National Geographic Learning
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