Page 19 - World Explorer 6 książka nauczyciela
P. 19

Exercise 6
Vocabulary Past continuous and past simple Explain to the students that the past continuous and
with when
Street art past simple are often used together when you want to
audience band entertain juggle talk about past events. We use the past continuous to
&]DV\ past continuous L past simple F]ĊVWR Vą
living statue magician mime artist XĪ\ZDQH áąF]QLH GR RSRZLDGDQLD R Z\GDU]HQLDFK talk about the events or situations that lasted longer
painter perform popular spectacular ] SU]HV]áRĞFL
stay still street dancer talented and were background for the events expressed in the
7KH PDQ was giving KLV SHUIRUPDQFH past simple or that were interrupted by them. Write the
when WZR SROLFHPHQ arrived
4 31 Write n next to nouns, v next to verbs following on the board: My mobile phone rang when I was
and a next to adjectives in the vocabulary box. walking down the street. Ask: Which action lasted longer?
Use a dictionary. Then listen, check and repeat.
(walking) Which action interrupted the longer action? (the
5 Look at the pictures from yesterday. What Z\GDU]HĔ L V\WXDFML NWyUH WUZDá\ GáXĪHM L VWDQRZLá\ mobile phone rang)
kind of performers did you see? Write what WáR GOD Z\GDU]HĔ Z\UDĪRQ\FK Z F]DVLH
they were doing. OXE ]RVWDá\ SU]H] QLH SU]HUZDQH Tell the students that we often join the past continuous
Grammar Guide, WB, p. 97 tense with the past simple using the word when to
1 2 show that one action was happening at the same time
6 Read the information and complete the
rule in the grammar box. Underline two as another, or to show that things happen one after
more sentences with the past simple, past the other. Explain that when is often followed by a
continuous and when in the text on p. 38.
continuous form. Write two examples on the board:
7 Complete the sentences with the past simple When I was watching television, the telephone rang.
3 4 or past continuous of the verbs in brackets.
Then write two sentences with your own Ask: What two actions happened at the same time?
(was watching television, the phone rang)
1 I (have) breakfast when
you (call) me this When they were walking down the street, they saw Jenny.
2 She
2 (get) tired when Ask: What two actions happened at the same time?
5 6 we (walk) around the (they were walking down the street, they saw Jenny)
old town.
3 (Ben / sleep) Now ask the students to read and complete the rules in
when his parents
wh (come)
bac the grammar box. Then they should underline two more
back from the theatre?
4 The band
4 The (play) at an sentences with the past simple, past continuous and
open-air concert when it
open-air co when in the text on page 38. Ask them to complete this
(start) to rain heavily.
(start) to rain h
1 I saw a . task individually and then compare their answers with a
sk ind
sk ind
The boy
He 5 The boy (run) by the river
friend. Hav. Ha
2 I saw a juggler. She when he (fall) in the friend. Have them raise their hand to supply an answer.
ten balls. w F
6 You
3 I saw . emon Answersnsw
the snow when I
(see) you.
now when I
They . demonst
st continu
past continuous, past simple
4 I saw a . (ski) down the hill in For
She . For
hen we walked
5 I saw a popular . When we walked out of the cathedral, it was dark and
He  portraits of people. 8 monst
me people were w
some people were watching a performance in the square.
6 I saw some talented .
spectacular tricks. mon
He was giving his performance when two policemen
They the audience. onst iving his p
Exercise 7 See Workbook, Ex. 7, p. 29
Ask the class to read the six sentences carefully and sk the classsk th
Ask the students to work with a friend and distribute a dictionary to y to o a friend and distribute a dnd and distribu explain t
explain they ha
explain they have to complete each one with the verb in
each pair. Then ask the students to look up any words they do not brackets in either
to look up any words they ok up any words
brackets in e
brackets in either the past simple or the past continuous
t group according to whethaccording to whet
know and write them in the correct group according to whether tense. Ask the studenense. Ask the
tense. Ask the students to look at sentence one again
they are a noun, verb, or adjective. When the students have f nished, and raise their hand if they can tell you the answer. Elicit
hen the students have f nishhe students have f
nd raise their hand if td raise their hand
explain you will play the CD for them to check their answers and the answer and write it on the board. Ask the students
check their answers andtheir answers a
answer and write it oner and write it o
class to check theiro check the
repeat each word. Play the CD once for the class to check their why the past continuous is used in the f rst gap and the
e past continuous is uontinuous i
e past c
answers and then again for the students to repeat the words. Ensure past simple in the second. (The past continuous is used
peat the words. Ensurthe words. Ensu
le in the the secon (The
everyone has them written down correctly in their Student s Book.
eir Student s BooStudent s Bo
in the fi rst gap because it was something happening at a
ap because it was
ap because it was some
particular time this morning, and the past simple is used
this morning, and the p
this morning, an
because it is a fi nished cause it is a fi n
31 Audioscript and answers in the second gap because it is a fi nished action.) Ask the
e the task individually
e the task individ
Nouns: audience, band, living statue, magician, mime artist, painter, students to complete the task individually and then
with a friend. Ask foh a friend. A
street dancer compare their answers with a friend. Ask for volunteers
board to checd to ch
to write an answer on the board to check their spelling.
Verbs: entertain, juggle, perform, stay still
swers writers w
Ensure everyone has the answers written down correctly
Adjectives: popular, spectacular, talented in their Student s Book. Once the students have f nished
he st
ask them to work in pairs and to write sentences with the
Exercise 5 past continuous and the past simple for 7 & 8. Monitor
and help where necessary. Ask for volunteers to read
Ask the class to look at the six pictures and tell you what is their sentences to the class.
happening in each one. They can refer back to the Word Bank if they
need to. Then tell them all of these activities happened yesterday. Answers
Ask them to look at the sentences below the pictures and tell you 1 was having, called 2 got, were walking 3 Was Ben
what tense they need to use in the exercise. (past continuous) Ask sleeping, came 4 were playing, started 5 was running,
them to complete the task individually and then compare their fell 6 were skiing, saw 7 & 8 Students' own answers
answers with a friend. They should discuss any diff erences they
have. Ask for volunteers to supply an answer.
Ask the students to complete Exercises 26, 810 pages
1 magician, was performing 2 was juggling 3 street dancers, were 28 and 29 in their Workbook.
dancing 4 living statue, was staying still 5 painter, was painting
6 mime artists, were entertaining
Unit 3 About town 51
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