Page 12 - World Explorer 6 książka nauczyciela
P. 12

Explorers’ Reading with your
CLUB fingers Explorers
Warm up Reading with your fingers

Ask the class to look at the picture. Ask: What do you think
it is? Point out the title and invite the students to raise
their hand to give you their ideas. If they do not know,
explain that it is a system for blind people to use so that
they can read books and magazines. It is called Braille
and is a system of raised dots in shapes that represent
letters and numbers.
Ask: What other dif culties do blind people face in their
everyday lives? Encourage everyone to express their
ideas and write them on the board so that they can see
how many they guessed correctly after they have read
Because blind people cant see,
the text. they can have some communication
problems. For example, they cant see
Ask the students to look at the text and explain labels on medicine boxes, street signs or
that they are now going to learn more about Braille. menus in restaurants. They cant see a persons
facial expression or gestures.
Write the following question on the board: What So what do blind people do? Well, they use other senses
communication problems do blind people have? Ask the sense of touch and hearing more than people who
the students to read the text to answer this question. can see well. When talking to someone, they cant see the
persons face, but they can understand the persons emotions
Invite the students to raise their hand when they from the tone of their voice. They use their ngers to feel what eel what
they cant see.
know the answer. (They cant see labels on medicine
ng and writing
They also read with their hands. They have a reading and writing
boxes, street signs or menus in restaurants, and they system called braille. A Frenchman called Louis Braille rst published is Braille rst published
to is reading a magaz
cant see a persons facial expressions or gestures.) his system in 1829. The person in this photo is reading a magazine
in braille. The page has got many raised dots on it. The dots make dots on it. The dots m
Ask the students to look at the Glossary. Model the shapes and each different shape is a letter or number. You can nd ape is a letter or number. Yo
braille in many places these days. It is on buttons in lifts, it is on menus days. It is on butto
pronunciation of each English word and ask the students in some restaurants and it is on medicine boxes.
medicine boxes.
. Ensure ure
to repeat after you both chorally and individually. Ensure Blind people can also use computers. A voice can read out what is on
se computers. A voic
hearing such a
y asking ng
they understand the meaning of each word by asking r r the screen and a speech recognition system can translate what they say h recognition system c
into text. There are also special printers that can print text in braille.o special printers hat
what you are t you are
them to take out their notebooks and copy what you are
going to write on the board: nstration
raised dots wypuke kropki
1 I can this table is made of wood. For etykieta shape ksztat
sense zmys
more than the reste than the res
2 Blind people use their sense of more than the rest strat button przycisk, guzik
touch dotyk
lift winda
ch dot
of us. hearing suc speech recognition system system
rozpoznawania mowy
3 Braille books have to help a blind person feel czu opubli translate przeo y
publish opublikowa
read them. st printer drukarka
4 The lift won t work. You have to press the . 20 print drukowa
5 A can what a person says aloud into text. nst
6 Always read the on the bottle carefully. y y
to use
7 There is no in this building, so we have to use Aftet end. Ask the students to raiAsk the students to
13 Louis Braille was the f rst person to a reading and on
After playing the CD, invite the students to compare their answers
g the CD, invite the studenCD, invite the st
the stairs.
with a friend. Ask the students to raise their hand to supply
8 You can buy a special that is able to text
o text ext
an answer.
into braille.
paper and cut it out.r and cut it out.
9 Follow the line of the on the paper and cut it out.
gs to f nd out whatfnd out what
10 Blind people have to things to f nd out what
12 Audioscript Audioscript
they are.
plorers Club: R
Explorers Club: Reading with your f ngers
11 Smell is one of the f ve .
ause blind
12 If you are , you cannot see.
nnot see.see.
problems. For example, they cant see labels on medicine boxes,
he f
he f rst person to a rst person to a
street signs or menus in restaurants. They cant see a persons facial
for the blind in 1829.r the blind in 1829
writing system for the blind in 1829. Because blind people cant see, they can have some communication
expression or gestures.
3 raised dots sed dots 44 button button
(1 feel 2 hearing 3 raised dots 4 button 5 speech recognition
system, translate 6 label 7 lift 8 printer, print 9 shape So what do blind people do? Well, they use other senses the sense
6 label abel 7 lift lift 7
8 8 prin p
122 blind blind 1313 pp
10 touch 11 senses 12 blind 13 publish) of touch and hearing more than people who can see well. When
talking to someone, they cant see the persons face, but they can
When the students have f nished copying the sentences, understand the persons emotions from the tone of their voice. They
ve f nfn
ask them to look at the Glossary again and complete use their f ngers to feel what they cant see.
each sentence with the words. When f nished, invite
them to compare their answers with a friend and discuss They also read with their hands. They have a reading and writing
any diff erences they have. After that, invite the students system called braille. A Frenchman called Louis Braille f rst published
to raise their hand to tell you an answer. his system in 1829. The person in this photo is reading a magazine
in braille. The page has got many raised dots on it. The dots make
Note: To save time in class, photocopy the sentences and shapes and each diff erent shape is a letter or number. You can f nd
give a photocopy to each student.
braille in many places these days. It is on buttons in lifts, it is on
Exercise 1 menus in some restaurants and it is on medicine boxes.
Blind people can also use computers. A voice can read out what is
Explain to the class that they are going to read the text on the screen and a speech recognition system can translate what
as they listen. First, ask them to read questions 15 and they say into text. There are also special printers that can print text
allow them a few minutes to answer any they already in braille.
know. They can then check their answers as they listen.
© National Geographic Learning
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