Page 35 - World Explorer 6 książka nauczyciela
P. 35

Invite the class to look at the fi rst situation again, fi nd the
promise that goes with it and raise their hand to tell you
the answer. Ask for class agreement before confi rming
8 Answer the questions. 11 Complete the dialogue the answer is correct. Tell the students to complete the
with these words.
1 How old will you be in 15 years time? rest of the task individually and then compare their
2 Where will you go on holiday this summer? hope will disagree sure
think believe answers with a friend. Choose students at random to
3 How will you help your parents on Saturday?
4 What do you think will be the most popular provide an answer. Then ask them to complete the
jobs in the future? Nick: How do you (1) people promises using will or wont to create a mini-dialogue.
5 When will you go for a long walk in the park? will travel in the future?
Gary: I think they (2) move Refer them to the prompt in their Student s Book fi rst.
Communication by using teleportation. Monitor and help as necessary. When fi nished, invite
Nick: Really? I (3) with you.
I believe we will drive electric cars. the students to compare what they have written with a
9 Match the situations 16 to the promises af.
Then make mini-dialogues using will or won t Gary: No way! I don t (4) we friend. They should discuss any diff erences they have.
for the promises. will use them. They aren t as fast as When everyone has fi nished, ask random pairs to read
other machines. Im (5)
1 Come straight home from school. people will use small planes. one of the dialogues to the class.
2 Don t forget to do your homework. Nick: Let s (6) well have our
3 Theres lots of washing up. own planes too. Suggested answers
4 Heres your pocket money.
5 Were visiting Grandma and 1 c Ill be home at 4 oclock. 2 d I wont forget to do my
Grandad tomorrow. 12 Complete the dialogues with sentences ad.
6 Are you eating chocolate again? a Ill always love you. maths. 3 b Ill wash all the dishes for you. 4 a I wont
spend all of it on sweets. 5 f Ill take some f owers for
a spend all of it on sweets. b Ill make some hot tea.
b wash all the dishes for you. c Clara will pass the exam. Grandma. 6 e I wont eat all of it.
c be home at 4 oclock. d Ill help you carry them.
d forget to do my maths.
e eat all of it. Exercise 10
1 Jake: Ugh! These bags are so heavy! Im
f take some flowers for Grandma. tired. Invite the students to work with a friend and explain
Tim: Come on, Jake.
Come straight home from school.l. they are going to take turns asking and answering the
questions. They should tick yes or no. Monitor as they are
working together and make a note of any pronunciation
2 2 B Ben: en: diffi culties and deal with these at the end as a class.
10 Work in pairs. Ask your friend these Sarah: Ill always love you, too.ra Il
questions. Tick Yes or No. Then report back When fi nished, choose students to report back to the
to the class.
class about their partner. Model an example fi rst to help
ss ab
ss ab
Will you go to university one day?
the students, e.g. Maria will go to university, but she wont
the stude
Yes No demon the stude
Susan: Brr! It s so snowy outside. Im cold.Brr! It s so sno
become a
become a doctor. They should report back on all the
become a do
Will you become a doctor in the future? Jim: F
questions, not j,
Yes No Youll get warmer.oull get warm questions, not just one or two.
Will you have a party on your next birthday?
Yes No Ex
Exercise 11ercise 11ercise 11
Will you visit lots of countries in your life?
4 Mike: Don t worry, Mum. ry, M
Yes No For Tellyell
Ask the students to read the vocabulary in the yellow box the students to reathe students to
Will you help me with my homework?
Mum: How do you know? She knows w? She knows
en read the diaread the di
Yes No and then read the dialogue all the way through before
a lot, but shes very nervous.
t they begin to complete the gaps with the words from the
in to comn to
Bartek will He won t
yellow box. Tell them to complete the task individually
and then compare their answers with a friend. Choose
and th
students at random to supply an answer, but ask for class
agreement before confi rming an answer is correct.
o agreement ree t
Exercise 7 on
See Extra Activity 6, p. 132ySee Extra Ac
Ask the class to look at the uses of will and explain they have to label will and explain they have t explain they have l 1 think/believe 2 will 3 disagree 4 believe/think
each sentence with the correct use. Tell them to complete the task 5 sure 6 hope
ell them to complete the tasm to complete th
sure 6 hope
wers with a friend. They with a friend. Th
individually and then compare their answers with a friend. They
should discuss any diff erences they have and make any changes. Exercise 12se 12se 12
nd make any any chan
Choose students at random to supply an answer, but ask for class
wer, but ask for classut ask for class
agreement before confi rming an answer is correct. ct. Explain to the class that they are going to complete he class that they are he class that the
ons with off
the conversations with off ers, promises or predictions
ons with off ers, prom ers,
Answers ad. Tell them to read everything through fi rst before
read everything throuad everyth
ces. Ask them to compes. Ask them t
1 a prediction 2 a promise 3 an off er 4 a fact 5 a prediction they make any choices. Ask them to complete the task
compare their answeompare their a
individually and then compare their answers with a
friend. Invite the students to raise their hand to supply
s to raise their hato raise the
Exercise 8 n
an answer.
Invite the class to read the fi ve questions and explain they have
to answer them so that they are true about themselves. Ask them Answers
to write their answers in their notebooks. Monitor as they write 1 d 2 a 3 b 4 c
and help as necessary. When fi nished, invite students to read their
answers to the class. Make a note on the board about which jobs Homework
they think will be the most popular in the future.
Ask the students to complete Exercises 16 on pages
Answers 56 and 57 in the Workbook. If time allows complete
Students own answers Exercise 7 in class.
If you decide to divide the Review section into more
Exercise 9 than one lesson, ensure the exercises set as homework
correspond to the material covered in class.
Ask the class to read situations 16 and explain they have to
match them with promises af. Point out that the promises are not
complete but they will complete them to make dialogues after they
have matched a situation with a promise.
Unit 6 Life in the future 91
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