Page 34 - World Explorer 6 książka nauczyciela
P. 34

Review 6 Review 6

Spend a few minutes asking the students questions Vocabulary Grammar
about what they can remember from the unit, e.g. What
1 Circle the odd one out. 5 Choose the correct answers.
were Mickey, Susie and Bill doing in the story? (camping and 1 UFO fl ying saucer planet 1 Will Jack meet you at the station?
looking at the stars and planets) Who looked through the
2 star the Moon astronaut a Yes, he will. b No, we won t.
telescope? (Bill) What did Susie see? (a shooting star) Who 3 sky universe astronomer 2 Will your nephew sleep over at your house?
tells Susie to make a wish? (Mickey) Hold your book open 4 satellite special skill superhero a No, I won t. b Yes, he will.
on page 73, and point randomly at the pictures. Ask the 2 Do the quiz. 3 Will you be at the cinema early?
a Yes, I am.
b No, I won t.
students to raise their hand to tell you what each one is.
1 Neil Armstrong walked on in 1969. 4 Will Mary lend you her book?
Invite the class to tell you what they can remember about a the Moon a Yes, she will. b Yes, she does.
Jules Verne. Ask the students to tell you when we use b Mars 5 Will we stay in a nice hotel?
the future simple and how it is formed in the affi rmative, c a star a Yes, they will. b Yes, we will.
negative, interrogative and the short answers. Invite 2 The Hubble is a large . 6 Complete the sentences with the future
a rocket simple of these verbs.
them to tell you some of the time expressions we use b galaxy invent not discover protect
with the future simple and the diff erent expressions we c telescope not drive ride
can use to predict the future. 3 The Nautilus in Jules Vernes story is a . 1 Im sure technology
a time machine
the environment.
Exercise 1 b fantastic machine 2 Someone a time
c spaceship machine one day.
answers with a friend. Ask the students to raise their nstration
Ask the students to look at the lines of three words and 4 Magneto is a(n) in the X-Men f lms. 3 Humans a new planet
a alien this year.
explain they have to circle the odd one out in each. Tell
b robot 4 In the future humans
them to complete the task individually and then compare c mutant cars any more.
their answers with a friend. They should discuss any 5 5 I I next week. my bike to school
diff erences they have. Invite the students to raise their 3 Match the words. c powers n n
hand to supply an answer and say why it is the odd one 1 shooting a star 7 7 Label the sentences with the correct use Label the
of will.
out. Ask for class agreement before confi rming an answer 2 solar b shuttlee a an offer a promise a fact a prediction
3 time
is correct. 4 space d systemd em 1 I think we will f nd more planets in our
2 Our solar system is part of the universe / t
Answers 5 special e saucere saucer galaxy.
f travel travel
6 fl ying
1 planet (the other two are connected with science r r 4 Circle the correct words.words. t 2 Don t worry. I won t lose your keys.

fi ction) 2 astronaut (the other two are seen in the sky 1 Rockets that go to space are amazing 3 You should relax. Ill make the supper today.
e sky
at go to space are amaz
rson who
at night) 3 astronomer (an astronomer is a person who inventions / satellites.ns / satellite
lar system is part
re connect
studies things in space; the other two are connected 3 My favourite superhero can move from 4 It s 25th November today. It will be
the Moon.e Moon
Christmas in a month.
with space) 4 satellite (the other two are words to do
o are words to do
quiz. Tell them to read each question and the options st 4 What do you think an astronaut / alien looks 4 invention.nventio friends at the new school.
My favourite superhe

place to place by using teleportation / place to place by us
with superheroes)
5 Don t worry. Im sure youll make lots of
t do yo
like? ?
Exercise 2
s to raise their e their n
Explain to the class that they are going to test their
knowledge of space and science fi ction by doing the
options ns
carefully before they choose their answer. They should Answers y y
hey should ld
compare theirare their
complete the quiz individually and then compare their 1 inventions 2 the universe 3 teleportation 4 alien
2 the universe 3 t
em carefully and then choose the correct response. Ask them to
hand to supply an answer, but ask for class agreement only
or class agreementss agreement
before confi rming an answer is correct. Exercise 5xercise 5se 5
Tell the students to read each of the fi ve questions and the options ell the students to readhe students t
Answers T
efully and then chfully and t
1 a 2 c 3 b 4 c complete the task individually. Choose students at random to
ete the task e the
an answ
Exercise 3 provide an answer.
Tell the class that they have to match words 16 with at they have to matcey have to matc Answers
af to make expressions. Ask them to read each one 1 a 2 b 3 b 4 a 5 b
essions. Ask themions. Ask the
carefully before they choose. Tell them to complete the
y choose. T.
y choose
hen cen c
task individually and then compare their answers with a Exercise 6
friend. Choose students at random to supply an answer.
Ask the students to look at the verbs in the yellow box and then read
Answers each sentence carefully. Explain they have to put each verb in the
correct sentence using the future simple. Ask them to complete the
1 a 2 d 3 f 4 b 5 c 6 e
task individually and compare their answers with a friend. Ask the
students to raise their hand to supply an answer, but ask for class
Exercise 4 agreement before confi rming an answer is correct.
Ask the students to read the whole sentence and the Answers
two options before circling the correct answer. After
they have completed the exercise, tell them to read the 1 will protect 2 will invent 3 wont discover 4 wont drive
sentences again to check their answers make sense. Ask 5 will ride
the students to raise their hand to supply an answer, but
ask for class agreement before confi rming an answer
is correct.
© National Geographic Learning
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