Page 32 - World Explorer 6 książka nauczyciela
P. 32

6c In the future In the future
Warm up
This warm up can be played in teams or with the whole
class participating as individuals. Draw a set of steps
leading down to water. On the top step draw a stick Candy: What do you think Earth
will be like in the future?
fi gure. In the water draw a shark waiting with its mouth Dean: I think it will be a better place.
open. Choose one of the words below and draw a series of Candy: Really? I don’t think it will be. I believe we’ll destroy the
environment and many countries will be like deserts.
blanks on the board, with each blank representing a letter
of the word. Ask the students to guess the letters. For each protect the environment with technology.
correct guess, fi ll in the letter in the correct blank. For Candy: I hope so. I hope people will save water and use green
each incorrect guess, rub out the stick fi gure and move Dean: I think they will.
it down a step nearer to the shark. When a student or a Candy: 'R \RX WKLQN ZH¶OO ¿ QG OLIH RQ RWKHU SODQHWV"
team knows the answer, they should raise their hand to Dean: Maybe. I don’t think it will happen soon. But I think we’ll go on
holiday to space and to the Moon.
tell you. Play for as long as time allows. Candy: ,W VRXQGV XQUHDOLVWLF EXW , DJUHH ZLWK \RX ,¶YH UHDG WKDW VRPH
rich people have already bought tickets for a trip to the Moon!
Suggested words: alien, f ying saucer, spaceship, Dean: 1R ZD\ :HOO , GRQ¶W EHOLHYH KXPDQV ZLOO KDYH WR ZRUN KDUG LQ
teleportation, mutant, submarine, creature, character, the future. Technology will do lots of things for us.
astronomer, telescope, universe, satellite Candy: Do you mean robots?
Dean: people and the robots will work for us.
Ask the students to look at the pictures. Ask: What does
each one show? What do you think the text will be about? Ask Listen and read n
them to look at the title to help them, but do not confi rm 2 Read the dialogue again and answer the questions.n and answer the question n n
1 19 Read and listen. Underline the phrases from s from
P P Ph
their guesses at this point. Check they know the meaning the Phrase Book in the dialogue. Phrase Book
of desert and pre-teach unrealistic to help them to begin 1 What does Candy think about life on Earth in Making predictions
I think / I don t think
than once in the dialogue. Play the CD twice if necessary so r r r 2 What does she hope people will do? 4 Give your opinion about these things.
talking about the pictures. Then explain to the class they
I believe / I don t believe
nk about life on Earth in
are going to read the texts while they listen to them.
the future?
Im sure
hope people will do
Next ask the students to look at the phrases used for making
or makingking
I hope
k we will f nd life on ot
3 Does Dean think we will f nd life on other
that asas
predictions in the Phrase Book. Tell the students that as
planets soon?
nderline the ine the
they listen to the text they have to fi nd and underline the
chnology help us work
4 How will technology help us work in the future?
Use the phrases in the Phrase Book.
y may occur more y occur more
phrases in the dialogue. Point out that they may occur more
I think r
3 Work in pairs. What can you see in the photos? airs. What can yo
wice if necessary soe if necessary s
u agree or disagree w
Do you agree or disagree with Dean and Candy s
travel in time / use time machines
opinions about the future? Talk with your partner.
nions about the futur
they have a chance to fi nd all the phrases. Monitor as they nstration move by teleportation
ases. Monitor as they. Monitor as they
travel in a fl ying saucer
work and then ask them to raise their hand to supply an learn new things from aliens
hand t
hand to supply ano supply an
I agree with Candy. ree with
pressions aressio
answer. Explain to the class that these expressions are very I ag I disagree with Dean.
I don t think
commonly used when talking about the future.
19 Audioscript nst
(See the text in the Students Book.) y y
Exercise 3e
Answers Ex
Ask the students to think back to what they said about the pictures students to think back to wnts to think back to
will be. /
I think it will be a better place. / I don't think it will be. / before they completed Exercise 1 and what they have just read and
re they completed Exercise y completed Exe
I believe we'll destroy the environment / I'm sure listened to in the text. Invite the students to raise their hand to tell
/ I'm sure
tened to in the text. Invite thn the text. In
/ I hope people
scientists will fi nd a way / I hope so. / I hope people will you what they can see in the pictures. Then ask them if they agree
you what they can see in thwhat they can s
save water / I think they will. / I don't think it'll happen with what Dean and Candy think will happen in the future. Ask them
on't think it'll ha
with what Dean and Canwhat Dean an
to space /
soon. / I think we'll go on holiday to space / I don't to raise their hand to give their opinion. Encourage everyone to
aise their hand to ise their ha
d / I think scie
believe humans will work hard / I think scientists will express their ideas.
s their ideastheir
build / I don't believe that.
eve that.
Exercise 2 The photos show a spaceship/space shuttle, a desert and a robot.
Tell students that they are now going to read the text they are now gey are now Student s own answers.
again and answer the questions. They should do the task
e questio
e questio
individually and then compare their answers with a friend. Exercise 4 See Extra Activity 5, p. 132
When fi nished, choose students at random to tell the class
an answer, but ask for class agreement before confi rming Ask students to work with a friend to discuss the four points listed
an answer is correct. Ensure that the students understand in their Students Book. Monitor as they talk to each other and make
all the words in the text by asking them to raise their hand a note of any mistakes or diffi culties with pronunciation. Deal with
if they come across an unknown word, say the word, and these at the end as a class. Ask three or four students at random to
have another student explain what it means. If no one repeat their opinions to the class.
knows, explain yourself.
Answers You may now ask the students to do Exercises 1 and 2 on page 54 of
1 She thinks well destroy the environment and many their Workbook.
countries will be like deserts. 2 She hopes people will
save water and use green energy. 3 Maybe, but it won't
happen soon. 4 Scientists will build robots that will do
the work for us.
© National Geographic Learning
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