Page 37 - World Explorer 6 książka nauczyciela
P. 37

Exploree Workbook, p. 84 Exercise 3
After checking Exercises 1 and 2 in the next lesson, ask
the students to work with a friend and allow them fi ve
English and
science minutes to work together to write down as many other
Create an invention. Choose from the list below or design
your own invention. ways they can think of to use the glass jar. Monitor and
help as necessary. Invite pairs to tell you one of their
space machine
ideas and ask the other students to write it down if they
household appliance have not already thought of it. Continue until they have
told you all their ideas.
piece of clothing
Students own answers.
Exploree Workbook, p. 84 Exercise 4

Ask the students to continue with the same friend. Tell
1 Decide what your invention can do. Write a list. them to take turns thinking of something they use every
2 Draw a picture of your invention and label it. day and then ask their friend to think of new ways of
3 Write a short description of it. using it. Give them an example so they are sure what
4 Put your posters on the wall. they have to do, e.g. a knife could be used as a tool or
5 5 Vote for the best inventions. Vote something to dig a small hole with; soap could be used as
shampoo, and so on. Monitor and help with vocabulary
as necessary.
Project: Inventions
2 Materials
or ? (Not in the text). F
large sheets of plain paperge sheetge sh
1 Futuristic inventions don t look unusual.
2 NASA hasn t sent astronauts to Mars yet.
3 Doctors and scientists will take part For
in the Paralympics.
Ask the students to raise their hand to tell you what their sk the students to rak the students
4 Athletes with artif cial arms or legs
ourite invention is. Ee invention
train for eight hours every day. favourite invention is. Encourage everyone to say what
5 Modern technology helps patients. it is.
Explain to the class that they are going to design their
E o the clasthe
Explore Workbook, p.84
ow on
own invention. Ask them to look at the list in their
22 Read and listen. Write T (True), F (False) mons
Student s Book and ensure they know what the items
are. Tell the
are. Tell the class they can use one of these ideas, one
o of their own, or they could improve on what is already
of their own
of the
Explor 4 Exercise 1Exercise 1 their favourite invention. Allow them time to think about
their favouriteheir fav
Exploree Workbook, p. 84 Exercise 1
what they can inv
what they c
what they can invent. Let them ask you questions if
they ar
they are unsure of anything or just what confi rmation of
they are unsure of ae unsu
Ask the students to turn to page 84 in their Workbook and explain n their Workbook and explr Workbook and ex
they are going to complete Exercises 1 and 2 for homework. Hold something.
and 2 for homework. Holdor homework.
the class t
the class to take theiro take their
up your Workbook and point to the crossword in Exercise 1. Explain Ask the class to take their notebooks out and make some
word in Exercise 1. Explainn Exercise 1. E
about what their invenbout what their inv
they have to read the clues to fi nd and write the answers using notes about what their invention is, what it will look
the answers using nswers using
it can do, if it is suitabcan do, if it
words from the text on Page 80 of their Student s Book. like, what it can do, if it is suitable for a particular age
t s Book.
o on. M
group, and so on. Monitor as they do this and help where
o on. Monitor as they onitor as
Answers necessary. Distribute the sheets of paper.
ribute the sheets of pae the shee
o draw their inventiondraw their inve
1 quickly 2 new 3 travel 4 leg 5 astronaut 6 athlete Tell the students to draw their invention in pencil. When
7 artifi cial 8 robot 9 inside they have it how they want it, they can either go over the
y want it, they ca
y want it, they can eith
our it in. Ask them r it in. Ask th
Hidden word: invention pencil lines in ink or colour it in. Ask them to label the
diff erent parts of their invention and give it a name that
ention and givntion and g
they should write in large letters at the top of the sheet
ters at thers at
of paper. Beneath their drawing they should write a short
Explor description of it. This can be in note form with bullet
Exploree Workbook, p. 84 Exercise 2
points, or a short descriptive paragraph. They should also
add their name at the bottom.
Explain that in Exercise 2 they have to look at the picture of the glass
jar and complete the sentences about what they can do with it. They When the students fi nish, pin their work on the
should read the information carefully before they start. classroom wall. Allow everyone to mingle and read the
descriptions, look carefully at the proposed inventions
Answers and ask questions of the inventor. When everyone has
1 put 2 soil, plant 3 drink fi nished, ask them to vote for the best invention by
raising their hand as you say the name either of the
invention or the inventor.
Unit 6 Life in the future 93
© National Geographic Learning
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