Page 33 - World Explorer 6 książka nauczyciela
P. 33

Exercise 7 See Workbook, Ex. 7, p. 55
5 20 Put the dialogue in the correct order. Writing Time
Then listen and check. Ask the students to work with a friend and say the words
Bob: Really? I disagree with you. I believe to each other. Then model the pronunciation of each
we won t use cars. 8 Circle will or won t. word to the class and ask if they can tell you what sound
Pat: Well, what do you believe will
happen? In the future I think people the highlighted letters make. Play the CD, pausing after
Bob: I believe people will ride electric (1) wont / will waste water. each word for the students to repeat them. Elicit or tell
bikes. I believe they will save it. Im
sure they will care about the the class that they make a k sound, despite the letters in
Pat: I think that people will invent fl ying environment and they
cars. (2) will / wont destroy it. the three words being diff erent.
Bob: What do you think will happen with I dont think many countries
transport in the future? (3) will / wont be like
deserts. I hope the world 21 Audioscript
6 Complete the dialogue with the phrases ag. will be a better place in the
There is one extra phrase. future. technology, school, tickets, rocket, fi ction, actor

Ann: ( with work in the future?
James: (2) that scientists will invent 9 What do you think will happen in the future? Answer
new machines and robots that will do Make a list of your predictions. You can think
all the work. of these categories: clothes, food, free time, /k/
Ann: Really? (3) they will help health, houses, school, transport.
us with work but I hope humans 1
(4)  their jobs. Exercise 8
James: (5) we will have to work much. 2
Ann: ( people will do? Ask the students to read the text through fi rst before
James: I believe they will have more time to 
spend with their families. 3 they circle any answers. Then invite the class to circle
the correct answers. When fi nished, tell the students to
raise their hand to supply an answer, but ask for class
a I don t think
b won t lose agreement before confi rming an answer is correct.
10 Write 50 words about your predictions for
d I think the future. Use the phrases in the Phrase Answers
e What do you believe
f What do you think will happen 1 wont 2 wont 3 will
g Im sure
Exercise 9 rr See Workbook, Ex. 6, p. 55
Ask the students to think about what they believe might sk the stsk the st
Play with Sounds
happen in
happen in th
happen in the future. They should write their predictions
in the spac
in the spaces p
7 21 Read out these words. What sound emon in the spaces provided in their Student s Book. Encourage
do the red letters make? them to write four predictions using the ideas mentioned
them to write foum to write
technology school emonst
in the rubric. Monitor and help as necessary as they write
in the rubric. Monitohe rubric.
tickets rocket
eir predictions. Inviteir predictions.
f ction actor their predictions. Invite fi ve or six of the students to tell
the class their predictions.
ass their predictiedic
ass their pr
Exercise 101010
c I disagree with you demons
Explain to the class they are now going to write a
paragraph of around 50 words about their predictions.
Remind the
o Remind them to include some of the phrases from
the Phrase Boohe Phra
Exercise 5 the Phrase Book on page 76. Ask them to write their
paragraph in their Student s Book. Monitor and help if
paragraph in theraph
Ask the students to read the dialogue between Pat and Bob and gue between Pat and Bob aween Pat and Bob a necessary. When fi nished, ask the students to swap their
necessary. When fi nessary. Wh
explain they have to put it into the correct order. Tell them to book with a friend to rok with a friend t
orrect order. Tell them to order. Tell them to
book with a friend to read each other s predictions and
n compare their answers witare their answe
complete the task individually and then compare their answers with make any suggestions to improve it. After they have
ke any suggestions toy suggestion
ke an
a friend. When everyone has fi nished, play the CD for the students changed anything they need to, collect their books to
the CD for the students D for the stud
ged anything they neeed anything they ne
to check they have it in the correct order. Ask pairs of students to y mark their work. In the next lesson, ask the students to
k pairs of students toof students to
eir work. In the next lework. In the
read the dialogue to the class. write their corrected work out neatly on a piece of paper
corrected work out neorrected work o
and pin their writing around the classroom for everyone
writing around the clariting around t
2 to read.
20 Audioscript and answers
Bob: What do you think will happen with transport in the future?
Pat: I think that people will invent f ying cars.
You may now ask the students to do Exercises 35, on ents to do Exeents to do E
Bob: Really? I disagree with you. I believe we wont use cars.
pages 54 and 55 in their Workbook.
Pat: Well, what do you believe will happen?
Bob: I believe people will ride electric bikes.
Exercise 6
Explain to the class they have to complete the dialogue with items
ag. Tell them to read it through fi rst before they complete the
gaps. Remind them that there is one extra phrase that they will not
need to use. Ask them to complete the task individually and then to
compare their answers with a friend. Choose students at random to
supply an answer.

1 f 2 d, g 3 g, d 4 b 5 a 6 e c is the extra phrase

Unit 6 Life in the future 89
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