Page 55 - World Explorer 6 książka nauczyciela
P. 55

Unit 7 Unit 8
1 stationery: scissors, string, envelope, paperclip 1 1 fl y 2 butterfl y 3 ladybird 4 worm 5 ant 6 bird
7 bee 8 snail
household objects: tablecloth, cushion
2 bush, branch, seed, fl owerpot, soil, mosquito, wasp, herb,
personal items: keys, headphones, tissues, torch, watch,

purse root, weed, fl owerbed, leaf, snail, butterfl y
3 butterfl y ladybird fl owerbed
2 1 pencil sharpener 2 stapler 3 sticky tape
4 chewing gum 5 can opener 6 vase 7 envelope 4 1 It s pouring with rain.
8 pot plant
2 It s raining cats and dogs.
3 plain colourful, fl exible stif , round square, 3 It s a miserable day.
shiny matt, thick thin, heavy light, soft hard
4 It s a wonderful day.
4 1 This is a very comfortable chair.
5 The snow is brilliant!
2 These shoes are made of leather.
6 It s freezing cold.
3 That cupboard is made of wood and metal.

Rain: It s pouring with rain; It s raining cats and dogs;
4 This envelope is made of paper.
It s a miserable day.
5 This tablecloth is made of soft fabric.
Sun: It s a wonderful day.
6 Scissors are made of metal and plastic.
Snow: The snow is brilliant; It s freezing cold.
5 fabric, paper plastic, fabric thick, heavy 5 drop, recycle, pollute, protect, conservationist, pollution,
round, hard stone, stif round, matt
throw away, rubbish, put in danger, save
6 Students own answers


178 Special Needs Tasks Answer Key

© National Geographic Learning

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